Kartyn'dryosose originally came from a very cold climate. Think mountaintops in winter, or snowy tundra. Although they lived in the same land as Runners and Virina'Miir, they chose a different way to survive; where Runners grew, 'dryosose shrank, and where Virina'Miir's legs lengthened to rise above the thick blanket of snow, 'dryosose tunneled underneath it. This new life style made for some interesting new adaptations:

Appearance | Diet | Names | Denns


     Very simply, the females, called does, needed to keep warm for their kittens, so they have smaller ears for less heat loss. The males, called bucks, evolved their long, rabbit-like ears, so they could keep alert and warn the does and kittens of potential danger.

     The Kartyn'dryoso evolved from a species like the Runners, so they are inherently quick and agile. However, they needed to survive in a place where Runners were already the dominant species, so they shrank. Now they range in size from that of a common house cat, to a medium-sized dog. They use their speed and agility avoid predators.

     To conserve heat loss in a cold climate, they grew thick fur coats with two layers: a soft, downy undercoat, and a rough outer coat. Kittens are born without the thick outer fur to protect them from the cold, so they stick close to their mother until their fur grows out.

     Unlike some traditions, colores do not determine a Kartyn'dryosose rank. There are just the more preferred colors. There are three different coat kinds: Pure, Marked, and Tipped. Pure coats are the most rare, while Tipped are the most common. Marked K’d are the easiest to recognize, since there is little variation between Pure and Tipped; only a faintly different color in the outer coat. A Tipped K’d could have an all white base color, with a faintly grey outer coat. Another K’d could have a grey based color, with no difference in the outer coat color, and be Pure grey.      Pures are put into five different categories:
White or Silver:
     A very common color, since their original homeland was snowy most of the time. If the coat lacks any definite color, but is not white, it is considered silver or gray. Gray can darken to nearly black, but still be considered gray.
     Anything that is not definitely orange, silver, black or white is considered 'brown'. They range in color from pale, to nearly black, and almost orange.
     Not half as common as brown, a K’d is only considered orange if the color is not brown enough to be classified as brown.
     Black is very rare, all but unattainable. However, it can show up anywhere in any ’dyryso line.

Eye Color:
     K’d eyes can be any color, from grey, to blue, to amber, to purple. blue or green are the most common eye colors, followed closely by gold or amber. This color can even delineate into red. Purple is thought to be a variation of blue, but it could be a completely different color. Black is rare, there are only a few black-eyed ‘dyrysose known. Even fewer K’d are known to have white eyes, but it is possible, if not likely.

     'Dryoso tails are usually either short and rabbit-like, or long and dog-like. There is, however, the possibility that a 'dryoso will be born with a cat-like, or even fox-like tail instead.


     Even though they evolved from carnivores, and still have their sharp canines, Kartyn'dryosose eat mainly nuts, fruits and berries. This is supposed to be another adaptation to keep energy levels high while avoiding the competition meat eaters have to deal with. A K’d will eat meat if forced to, but they prefer not to.


     There are three kinds of names: the Firstname, Secondname and Chosenname.
     All K'ds get their Firstname at birth. It is directly related to their coloration (ie. a brown one would be Earth, a red one could be Blood, orange could be Fire or Flame, etc...). First names are usually element oriented, but can be something else (like a white one could be named either Cloud, or Spirit) instead. If the Kitten has any strange mutations (ie. wings, unnatural color, horns, etc...) they are almost always named for such.
     The Secondname is given when a kitten reaches adulthood, and is directly linked to the K'ds personality (ie. a playful orange K'd could be Flamejumper, Firedancer, etc...).
     Occastionally, a 'dyryso may wish to change their name because of something that happened during their lifetime. One of the K'ds in First EarthFire was such a case. She was captured by humans when she was barely into adulthood. When she finally escaped, she wished to put her past behind her and become someone else. She Chose the name Flamedasher for herself.
     Also, if a K’d is a Seer or decides to become a Warrior, they may Choose a new name for themselves that better fits their profession. Warrior's Chosennames are usually based on fighting or some event that made them want to become what they are. Seers are either found at birth to be seers, or change their names later on in life. They nearly never keep their normal names, because Seers are not generally favored by others of their kind. The tend to want to hide, so they Chose a new name for themselves. Their Chosennames generally have something to do with their ability. Scortchprophecy, Uny’s Companion, for instance, has foresight and telepathy, while Thoughtfinder reads minds.


     Denns are small burrows in witch each Kartyn'dryoso lives. They are usually connected to the burrows of their Dennmates by tunnels that can sometimes span miles due to the location of the others Denn. Now, however, thanks to the peculiarities of Unykos realm, the 'dryoso need only walk through a portal to visit a Dennmate.
     Kartyn'dyrosose rarely leave their own territory, and then only the bucks go to find new Dennmates. They feel open to attack when they are very far away from their burrows, and often dig temporary burrows when they journey for long periods of time.

Forming Denns:
     There are two calsses of Denns. The first, like First EarthFire where there is a larger ratio of does to bucks, is more common. The second kind, like Second EarthFire where several mated pairs combined to form a larger Denn, is somewhat less common.
     When a buck wishes to start a new Denn of the first type, he finds one doe. This first doe becomes the Lead Doe in the new Denn and all those after her are the second, third, fourth, etc... Usually there are at least two does and at most ten. More does would encumber a Denn, and take away the chance for other bucks to have a Denn of their own. The Lead Doe must be consulted before another doe is entered into the Denn.
     If the Lead Buck wishes it, another buck may enter the Denn family. He can assist the Lead Buck in choosing does. There can be up to four or five bucks in each Denn, including the Lead Buck, as long as the buck to doe ratio is at least 1:2.
     For Denns of the second type, several pairs may come together for security reasons. (Like rabbits, K'ds are hunted, so they ban together in larger groups for protection. More K'ds equals more ears to listen for danger.) Again, usually the whole denn keeps it's population down to twelve or fourteen (six or seven mated pairs).

     If you already have a Kartyn'dryoso and wish him/her to either start a Denn or join a Denn, e-mail me with one of the folowing forms:

Your Name:
Your E-mail:
Lead Buck:
(Name and URL)
Lead Doe:
(Name and URL)
Name of your Denn:
URL of your Denn:

(Note: Only the adopter hosting the Denn need send in this form)

Your Name:
Your E-mail:
Your Kartyn'dryoso:
(Name and URL)
(Name and URL)
(Note: Be sure to inform the owner(s) of the Lead Buck and Doe before you contact me)

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