Lliyani’Deik Wing

. Information Concerning All NC .
. List of Wings .
. Registered NC .
. Adopted NC .

     Snowpeace sat with his back to a tree, watching his mate play with their charges. He loved her, and she loved those little winged beasts, so naturally, he'd let her keep some. This was rediculous, though. There must've been fifty of the little things buzzing around their denn, flitting in and out of the trees, bringing their friends. It was just too much for one lone buck to bear. And it wasn't like he didn't like NerryClanaarsa, there were just too many of them!
     "Vae," he called softly, knowing she'd hear him and not wanting to wake the small black NC that had been napping on his folded forepaws. Vaporcharm perked her ears and trotted over, several of her small, winged friends following.
     "What is it?" she answered, equally as soft.
     Oh how he loved her voice, he thought distractedly. Peace cleared his throat and remembered what it was he had been about to say. "I'm worried about your little friends," he said, concern tinting his light tennor voice. Instantly alert, Vapor glanced back over her shoulder at the winged fluffballs she'd been playing with moments ago.
     "How so?" she asked when she turned back, worry in her ocean-blue eyes.
     "There are so many of them," Peace commented carefully, and went on quickly before she could think he was complaining. "What would happen if there was a sudden drought? Or even when winter comes, how will we feed so many?"
     He was relieved to see that his mate was thingking carefully. "You're right," she said, stroking the sleeping black. Then she smiled and looked into his green eyes. "But then, you're usually right, aren't you?"
     Peace blushed, his ears lowering and nose turning pink. "So, what shall we do?"
     Vapor thought a moment, and nodded. "We must let them be," she decided suddenly. So suddenly that Peace blinked. He'd never have thought she'd be so willing to let her pets return to the wild, but then again, it really was in their best interest. He nodded solemnly, then smiled when his mate smiled and added "But not all of them."

     So it was that the pair chose their favorites, one for each of the months they'd spent as a mated pair, and started anew. They left the rest of the NC behind, along with their denn, and their names. Snowpeace became Illusionseeker, and Vaporcharm became Divinemirage, in honor of how they'd met. These two would be the first K'd to own a Wing. They knew that sira Flew NC, some had Wings as big as the one they'd left behind, but this small one was enough for them.