Zaithin'zyith and Joananna'yedic

The first thing you'd noticed about this Realm was that there was so very much space. It's a good thing for the creatures that make their homes here, since that meand it'll never be over-crouded.. however, if you were to walk the entirity of the distance between each meeting, your feet would be worn down to nubs by the end of your journey. Not to mention it'd probably take years to complete.
So you're rather relieved when yet another portal appears as you round a bend in the trail. The trees had blocked it's swirling brilliance untill just now, and even in the light of the two moons above, it's quite a sight. You shield your eyes as you watch Yia'yan walk through, then follow a moment later.

You're glad the portal was so bright, for now you find yourself under another foresty canopy, this time in the bright, noon-time sun. Yia is waiting for you a meter or two down the path, so you move to her side and the two of your are off again on your way to Zai and Joananna, whoever they might be. You suspect they're another couple of unicorns, and your suspicions are justified when another bend in the trail reveals a small clearing, little more than the space created when a large tree fell, mostly overgrown with ferns and moss and grass, so that the dusty brown of the rotting log is barely visible beneath the green of living vegetation.
You don't have to wait very long before the thunder of hooves is heard, and then a mighty blue and while stallion leaps the log to land, if not gracefully, at least majestically. He's huge! At least the size of a Clidesdale, maybe even a Shire.. and his coat seems almost fluffy, though it just gives him a scruffy look. Rakish. Like one of those ponies from the Siberian steppes or something, as though he were built for the cold. He rears, hooves flashing in the sunlight, then lands and poses, happily letting you enjoy his heavily built form.

"Sella li, traveler," he greets you, his voice a light tenor. Then he turns and makes a face at Yia.. she's giggling. "What?"
"Always did love making an entrance, aye Zai?" she leans in close and stage-whispers in your ear "He just does it for attention, like any other colt." obviously Zai isn't a colt, so she must mean that he never grew up.
Zai rolls his eyes and turns back to you "Don't listen to her, she's only jealous she's not as fluffy as I am." he shakes out his streaked mane and tail, and you catch the mirthful glint in his eye, as well as an answering one in Yia's. This must be an ongoing game for both of them.. a real character, this one. "Zaithin'zyith, at your service," the huge stallion continues with a bow, and you can't help but smile.
Yia sighs, though not without mirth. "What am I gonna do with you?" she asks rhetorically, and Zai chuckles. She then turns to you "I must be going now, good luck keeping this one out of trouble," she adds, nodding to Zai, who snickers.
As she leaves, Zai continues speaking "I do believe Jo is around here somewhere, though she's as feisty as her mother..." he pauses, an ear perking "Ah, that might be her now."

From the small patch of sky above you comes a fierce battlecry and you duck and look up instinctively.

Your first thought is of Eranna. What is she doing? As the winged unicorn dives, you fling your hands up to protect yourself from the crash that you know is comming. The paint's dive looks far too exuberant to be controlled, and she's headed right for you...!
But no crash comes.. or at least, not a crash into you. Zai cries out just as fiercely, though his warcry is somewhat mared by the mirth in his voice, and gallops toward the stooping mare, stopping and turning his broadside toward her in just the right spot for her to nearly run into him and have to backwing frantically to avoid a collision. She lands giggling and tumbling to the ground in a heap. "You got me, Zai!" she cries out, and you have to grin at the drama of her performance.
Zai chuckles "Yes, I did, so now you have to be a good girl all day.." the look of sheer horror on her face makes him grin "...and introduce yourself to the new visitor."
For a moment you wonder just what he means by that, since you'd already met Eranna.. but then it registers that this mare is younger than the playful paint that had greeted you.. and she has purple wingtips. Oh.. not Eranna then. This must be..
"Joananna'yedik," she chirps, climbing to her feet and bobbing her head. "Pleased to meet'cha!" Now that you've realized that Jo was definitely not Eranna, you begin to see a million differences in her actions, speech and motions that the first mare had never shown. But they look so similar! As though reading your thoughts, Joananna speaks right up, taking a step forward. "You met my mother, right? Eranna?" Oh, so that explains it! You nod, looking faintly relieved, and Jo giggles. "Yeah, I get alot of that, 'cause I look so much like her, I guess." she shrugs.
Zai clears his throat "I do believe the visitor needs to get moving along.." he says, nudging Jo.
The mare squeaks indignantly "Whaaaat?"
Zai rolls his eyes and you muffle a giggle. "You're supposed to take them to Yorin and Klisna, remember?"
Jo shuffles her wings and grins sheepishly "Oh yeah. That." She turns to you then, "So, shall we? The nais are adorable, though Klisna's daughter can be sorta scary.. anyway, you won't meet her 'till a little further down."

Continue on with Jo? Or beg her pardon and return to the broad path?