A Unyk Facade...
a.k.a About Me

So, you want to know more about me, do ye? You're sure?

I gotta warn you, I'm terrible at bios...

It'll be boring...

There's still time to turn back...

Ah well, I tried to warn you.

Name: Carin (Yeah, it's an odd spelling, that's 'cause I'm named after a star. The keel star of the constelation of the ship Argo. And my last name means 'small stream'... so apparently, I have a very special name in tolkein elvish culture. X3)

Age: 23 (Scary, I know.)

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, painting, carving, sculpting, metalsmything, psychology, dabbling in science (insert mad scientist cackle here), and most importantly: Computers/Internet.

Schooling: High School gratuate (tho really, I was homeschooled from 10th grade up, and went to college for most of my highschool life..), part time/full time college student since 1998 (two AA degrees, one in Fine Arts, one in Art and Design), going for a BA in Studio Art at CSULB right now (with an emphasis possibly on some sort of graphic design.. still debating).

Favorite Courses: 2-D Design (traditional), Rendering (traditional), 3-D Modeling (digital), Printing (traditional), Painting (digital and traditional - oils), Psychology, HTML, Multimedia (digital)

Least Favorite Courses: any math, any history, Health, English Comp (which is odd, since before that college composition class, I always loved english. Oh well.)

Work Experience (what is this, a resume?): Ongoing independant commissions since about 2000, Illustrations for a few children's books written by a friend, seven months with Aramco.

Uhm.... well, what else do you wanna know? I live in Southern California with my family, which consists of mom and dad, brother and occasionally sister. And yes, I am the middle child, my brother's four and a half years younger than I am, and my sister is eight and a half years older. We have two cats: Keemo, my sister's purebred siamese, blue cross-eyes and everything, and Marshmallow (alternately called The Kitten, Baby, Fluff Monster, Basketball, etc.. pretty much you pitch your voice high and he thinks you're talking to him), my brother's fluffy tabby cat, who's mother was my bebbie Smudge.
I started out on the internet when I was 15, the summer/fall of 1998, about the same time I took my first college class, which was a Musical Basics class, if I remember correctly. I could reminisce about how the good ol' days were, but I don't want to putt you to sleep... yet. ;3 So anyway, I sort of wandered around for a while (going through Animorphs sites and random message boards like there was no tomorrow), untill I stumbled upon the concept of cyberpet adoption. Which is what the majority of this site (and my time/art) has been and is currently dedicated to. The other part to my bit of cyberspace is in my commissions, which I started a few of years ago. It's been pretty slow lately, but that's probably 'cause I've not been advertizing it much.
My first real job was at Aramco Imports, an importer/distributer of random stuff, but they laid off all of the art department half a year after I joined. However, they still needed me, so they outscourced to me for a while. But I guess they got tired of that. And never paid me for what I did for 'em. And moved.
Hey, at least I don't have to ever go back there again, right?
So now I'm back to commissions, and pretty happy with it still.
Yeah, that's about it.. boring life, eh?