Nicari paced restlessly. It had been a while since anything interesting had happened in the Valley. Well okay, sure there were three clutches in the large community nest and sands, and she was sure Reian'ni was up to something, but that was all horribly normal stuff. Really, the last big interesting thing to happen was the first clutch of half-Saa born. But even that was commonplace now. And she had yet to hear about any of those (or any other half-Saa, for that matter) going out and having clutches of their own.
     It was downright disappointing.
     She sat and stared out at the falling rain with little of her usual spunk. Nicari normally loved the rain, and would gleefully try to fly between the raindrops, giggling when she would have no luck whatsoever. Today the rain just seemed more gloomy.
     The mood of the entire Valley was tense, and not just because of the rain. Their Shield was gone again. Eikida had heard of another interesting clutch and gone off to investigate. Again. Well, at least this time she had taken her self-appointed bodyguards.
     Still, every Saa - those born before the discovery and subsequent visitations to their Valley, at least - felt her absence. Even the flighty little Nicari felt a little insecure without the promise of that powerful protection. Sometimes she wished another sun-level shield would be born so poor 'Kida wouldn't have to be fretted over so much.
     Not that it would change anything, she mused, a faint half-smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. Everyone loved that little Shield so much, and she was just so innocent and child-like, there was no way she could escape their collective overprotection.
     Still, at least she got out sometimes, which was more Nicari could say for herself. She pouted for a moment, then shook herself and turned her attention away from the rain. Surely there was something exciting happening somewhere... right?

. . .

     "Undead?" Reif asked incredulously. "Like, falling apart in places?"
     Aemei shrugged. "She was nice enough."
     Reif stared at him for a moment, and then burst into raucous laughter. "Oh man, you must have been desperate!"
     Aemei rolled his eyes, but remained silent. There was no use trying to convince Reif of anything other than what he already 'knew' to be true, so Aemei didn't generally try. The two of them sat together in a tree, watching the rain. They weren't usually so friendly, since Reif thought his cousin was far too wimpy and Aemei thought Reif was too agressive, but when tension ran high in the Valley, they tended to get along better.
     Well, mostly, Aemei thought, raising an eyebrow. Reif was still laughing. And gasping out lewd comments whenever he found the breath, then laughing that much harder at his own wit.
     Aemei didn't really mind so much. At least it was something to do. Not that he minded just keeping to himeslf most days; he wasn't particularly interested in the spotlight. Unlike some. He eyed his still-laughing cousin.
     Reif wasn't really all that amused - but the tension in the air got to him too, sometimes. He didn't like to admit it, but he was just as insecure as everyone else when their main protection in the form of a small female was not on duty, and even more so when she was out of the Valley alltogether.
     Besides, it was still fun to prod his less agressive relatives. Aemei was practically his opposite in every way, so that just made it all the more entertaining.
     He paused in his laughter when Aemei attempted a feeble comeback, sounding all the world like teenage brothers teasing eachother about prom dates.
     "Well, what about you? Was that a hydra I saw you with?" Aemei asked in a tone that was only barely teasing.
     Reif snorted "Aw c'mon, you're not even trying." He turned to preen his many tail wings. "Besides," he continued, a decidedly smug tone to his voice, "you don't know what they can do with all of those heads."
     Aemei rolled his eyes (as well as a pupilless eye can be rolled, but the sentiment carried).

. . .

     Clander sat quietly, as was his custom, and kept his ears perked and his eyes open. He wasn't hiding, but unless anyone paid attention, he was almost invisible on his tree branch. He never hid purposefully; he didn't need to.
     "We can't call her back," Kirna, his half-sister was saying, a distressed note in her voice. She and one of the elder Saa were talking, and apparently there was an outsider clutch (or several... he wasn't exactly sure since they only passed him in the middle of their conversation) with Saa blood running in it.
     "But she'll be upset if she misses out on these ones. You think she'll be back before the clutch hatches?" The elder was concerned. Secretly, Clander bet she just wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet and young voices in the Valley. Honestly though, he missed them himself. The last hatching they'd had with any Saa blood at all seemed like it had been ages ago. And though they were just as adorable, outrealmer hatchlings weren't quite the same.
     The pair passed out of earshot and Clander thought. This could bear investigation.

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